We had our Christmas party at work on Friday. Bailey decided to make an appearance and so did Lindsay's baby Alison. Bailey, was not the best behaved baby there, unfortunately. They were both really adorable and probably the favorites of the party. Everyone had to hold Alison, while not as many wanted to hold screaming Bailey. She isn't normally so grouchy, so I can forgive her this time. I had way too much food and I think so did everyone else. We invited the roofers in for some dessert and only one of them actually ate any, but he certainly made up for the other guy not eating any.
This morning I finished up most of my Christmas shopping. I went to Longfellow books and managed to spend more than I had planned. I bought the first two Sally Lockhart books for myself, since I've been waiting for them to come out in tradepaper. I also bought that book by the nine year old boy who gives dating advice. It is too funny! I should have bought that for everyone for Christmas.