Saturday, November 27, 2010

I realized that I haven't even mentioned the fact that I went to Oregon in October to visit two of my best friends! It was a really grand adventure. I flew on JetBlue, primarily due to the fact that they advertise unlimited snacks. Turns out once I was on the flight I didn't even care about the snacks! All I wanted to do was sleep until it was over. Both flights were spent that way. I also managed to not even need to use the bathroom using my sleep through the flight strategy, which was good since I had the window seat. Here are just a few pictures from the trip.

The first day there my friend Alice and I went on this Tree to Tree adventure. There were zip lines and we had to climb up/over/around different obstacles. It was really fun. In the next few days we went to the zoo, Saturday Market and a roller derby bout. After the roller derby bout I went to Eugene to visit my friend Sarah!

We went to a pumpkin patch to "pick" pumpkins. The only thing actually required from us was to decide on whatever pumpkin out we wanted and then carry it. No actual picking was necessary. They had the tastiest kettle corn popcorn at this pumpkin patch. I wish I had realized how good it was while still there and bought five bags to bring back with me.
After a few days in Eugene I took the train back to Portland, Oregon. It was really beautiful. I snapped some pictures along the way and I really like how they turned out. I'm convinced my camera has taken one too many falls and also the windows of the train were really dirty, but that resulted in some pretty pictures.

Friday, November 26, 2010


My family! (minus my Uncle Lincoln who was taking the photo) We had Thanksgiving last Saturday, which turned out to be a good thing since I am dealing with a horrible cold at the moment. Nick, my boyfriend, made dinner over at his apartment last night and it was really good! I managed to still have some of the honey orange zest butter my mom made for the family Thanksgiving and use it for the biscuits we had last night. It is so good. I was going to make a pie, but then realized yesterday I didn't have any ingredients to make it and all the stores were closed. I guess planning ahead is not something I can do while sick. Another thing that had to go was Black Friday shopping. There was no way I could see myself fighting the crowds to get deals today. I bought a few things online, but I'm going to save my money for:


Buy local this holiday season! I'm pretty sure by the time those two events come I will be done with my Christmas shopping anyways, but I can just buy things for myself or find some more things that my mom and dad would like. Also, I've come to the conclusion I need a new camera. I think I dropped it one too many times to take nice pictures anymore (as you can tell from the grainy quality of the above photo).