Saturday, January 1, 2011

So for 2011 here are my resolutions. Perhaps I will go back and find my resolutions for 2010 and comment on how well, or not well, I did.

1. Make a to do list for every day

2. Take a picture every day ( I did the same thing last year, failed)

3. Start working out multiple times a week

4. Graduate from the MBA program

5. Keep a running list of the books that I have read during the year

6. See my family more

7. Eat better-more fresh and local foods

8. Keep better touch with my friends

9. Move to the West End

10. Keep on focusing on being happy

Ok so maybe some of them weren't really resolutions, but I felt like I wanted to get to ten. Ten seemed like a good number where I could achieve at least some of them, while being ok to fail at a few of them. The working out and eating better are things that are on my immediate items to start and I also really want to do a to do list every day. If only to keep track of what I actually do and to keep me on track of actually doing things. I have a bad habit of not doing things if I don't have a to do list guiding me. So happy new year!!!

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