Sometimes I realize that it's a season, like summer, only to realize that it's already passed. I feel like I am forever late to whatever it is that is going on, even if it's the turning of the seasons or of the hours ticking by. I can't believe that fall is already leaving and that winter has already graced us twice with overly large snow storms for such an early point in the year. I'm still ready for pumpkin seeds to be roasted in the oven and for Halloween costumes to be worn, even though that was to be done a month ago. I can't express how much fun that I have been having over the past few months, because I have been able and fortunate enough to be surrounding myself with so many people that love me and support me. There are times that I would like to just run away from Maine and to try new places and people, but then I always come to the conclusion that there will never be friends like my friends that are here and that even though new places are so fun for a while, nothing is ever as great as home is. Home is where my friends and family are and that is where I must be in order to be happiest in my life. I love you all. I even love you Maine when you only have sunshine for what seems like three hours out of every day. The countdown is on to when you will be having longer and longer days, instead of shorter and shorter. Lets do this.
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